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CAUTION: It is important to remember that each state or territory may have laws regarding what is to be included in a living will. There is no guarantee in having a living will that your wishes expressed in the living will shall be followed under some circumstances, which is why it is recommended that advanced directives, which include a durable healthcare power of attorney, also be completed. Therefore, the person who you appoint to make healthcare decisions when you are incapacitated as your healthcare representative should also have a durable healthcare power of attorney to be able to address situations that a living will may not address in a manner consistent with your wishes. It is also important to remember that each state or each hospital, hospice, court or healthcare professional may define what is extraordinary or heroic measures differently. Some may define food and water as an extraordinary or heroic measure. Some may define food and water as part of comfort care along with pain medication. It is important to take these points into account in drafting a living will and advanced directives and to consult counsel that is local to your location if you have questions or concerns about definitions regarding care. A generic form or publicly sold living will form or advanced directives kit may not address all of the matters that you wish to address in completing a living will and advanced directives.


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Draft a Living Will (may be free)
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